[VF du post disponible plus loin dans la page] Courtesy of Sylvain HELLIO, Laboratory Mode composer: “THE SMALLEST PUZZLE GAME IN THE WORLD”
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Paris Games Week 2014 : une semaine de fou!
Fini! la Paris Games Week 2014 a fermé ses portes hier après 5 journées marathon pendant lesquelles nous avons pris un énorme plaisir à rencontrer joueurs et professionnels de tout poil!
Read moreA Wild Papercraft Appears!
[VF du post disponible plus loin dans la page] AAAaah! Papercraft, what a healthy & soothing activity! Between two brutal sessions of hardcore Arcade scoring on Pix, it’s exactly what you need to wind down.
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[VF du post disponible plus loin dans la page] Creative habits and twitches are often what makes a graphical designer singular, different. They are an important part of his personality. I am not referring to “style” per se, or to one way or another of using colours, not at all. I am talking about innocent trifles that can nearly be considered as fetishism…
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